
Welcome to my blog. I document my life, adventures in travel and thoughts on living a sustainable lifestyle. Hope you have a nice stay!

A New Year... A New Blog

A New Year... A New Blog

I know that New Year resolutions tend to not be upheld as well as they should which is why to an extent I don't believe in them, I think if you want to make a change you should take the plunge and start then and there! 

But this year will be different, for my blog anyway. The things that I have written here so far are things that I genuinely enjoy talking about. Since starting friends have messaged me encouraging me to do more but I always have the same excuse that I'm busy or I don't have nice enough photos to put up to help engage you guys with, but that stops now.

I've decided to stop worrying so much about my blog in comparison to others or whether this is what will get more traffic or likes, instead I'm just going to write about things that I find and hopefully you will find interesting and post them rather than spending hours on Pinterest trying to pretty it up (as people say content is whats most important right ;) )

So my New Years resolution to myself and to you guys is this to stop trying to create the perfect blog and being so afraid of pressing the 'publish' button and just f*cking do it because every blogger is different, even if only a few people find this interesting that's an accomplishment within itself :)



P.S. That was written and published within 10 minutes, progress already made ;P




Will Coffee Be the End of Us?

Will Coffee Be the End of Us?